How can we make sense of a world where we have both too many billionaires and too many foodbanks? The expected path of many is to go to university, forge a career, get wealthier, buy a house – but why is that so hard for most of us to achieve? Now during the pandemic, the divides are being even more revealed as some can comfortably self-isolate with ongoing income while others are locked down in cramped conditions facing starvation as food banks close down. Many others are experiencing the inadequacy and delays of the universal benefit system for the first time.
Ben Tippet seeks to make sense of our world by looking at class society – delving into the deep-rooted economic inequalities that shape our lives. From the gig economy, rising debt and the housing crisis that affects the majority of people, to the world of tax havens and unfair inheritance that affect the few… He will propose that now is the time to fight back against the 1% as awareness of this inequality is painfully showing itself.
Wanda Wyporska provides a perspective on how Covid-19 has revealed and increased inequalities, and what opportunities for action it provides.