Let's take this outside

Environmentalism is a self-harming meme
Zero carbon in the foreseeable is as daft as it is dangerous. Depending on the extent to which social media has infused your life, a meme is a non-hereditary behaviour

Biden: his time
The US is lusty and demanding for the future. But can it keep it up? The good news is that Biden, so far, is not your typical machine Democrat who

Ongoing, massive Ttrump
Maybe Trump TV will troll Biden nightly and present endless “I was robbed,” conspiracy theories on the 2020 election. Alternatively, reports suggest Trump will start Trump 2024 on inauguration

Defunding the past
The time has come to pucker up and give Trump a kiss. Our collective sanity is being assailed by an unrelenting locust-swarm media and the groaning end of a socioeconomic

Banking off road
Don’t consult the map while making a handbrake turn. What an unreality of a year so far. Society has done a handbrake turn and we are hurtling in an unmapped

A rent-seeking bastard speaks
As isolation and social difference goes viral, it’s time to come together. As the state cavalry charges over the hill to save us all from the viral hordes could March

Own back
“Each billionaire evidences our great success and failure.” Discuss. Extreme inequality doesn’t jive well with democracy, liberty and progress. Nor does revenge and retrospective action. Both extremes run the risk

Credit Where Credit’s Due
Who gets to borrow at a fair rate is a pernicious inequality. It’s funny how, despite overt concerns, affluent people always find ways to keep the poor apart from them:

Fuck You
How do you win the votes of the duckers, divers and the insecure? I live in affluent West London and ran my own hedge fund business that profited from seeing

Wishing on a star
Beware the simple solution. It could all end in tears. There was a period in history when the West’s international identity and institutions were strongly forged. This intense high-energy crucible
We can be heroes
Many of us like the idea of swimming with dolphins and our children having dolphins around to give them the option to swim with them. Patriotism anyone? Most of us

Real Gone Cat
What state are we in? Like the cat in Schrödinger’s famous quantum thought experiment we can’t know whether we are dead or alive as we await the writing of definitive
Don’t even think about it
We live in a time of perpetual ersatz crises. Discuss in 280 characters. As gamers in the fourth industrial revolution we’re always on the cusp of crisis. You know, the

Your house is the rotten heart of the inequality engine
The bloated value of your house(s) is an unearned windfall and a expropriation from others. Think depriving the NHS or poor kids. Yeah, that bad! I know you didn’t plan

The revolution will not be linearly extrapolated.
Tomorrow is always more radical than we can realise today. Just ask Lenin. Any truly sustainable path is radically unconventional – politically, socially, economically, financially and environmentally. Relentless entropy seeks

Sinking in the klepto- professional reign
Capitalism needs to heal. But mounting greed among the professional classes is choking our post crash recovery. In the run up to the 2008 crisis, financial speculation was large, dominant
A bullet in the chamber of the Commons
We seem to be playing a game of political Russian roulette in UK. Place your cross – pull the trigger for a new leader – see what happens. Labour’s pseudo
Enlightened liberal seeks similar
Can liberals actually fool all the people all the time? The Outsider writes. Everybody wants to be cool. And liberal sounds like liberation which conjures up freedom and the will