First Word
Ground control
Control of land has been a key driver of wealth, power and conflict for most of human history. The industrial revolution changed all that as power shifted from landowners to
The nature of the beast
Verity delves into the environmental economics undergrowth. Our peaceful piece of suburbia is feeling particularly tame at the moment. A far cry from the perilous encounters to be had in
Rent asunder
Everybody wants to own their own home and there’s no turning back. Frances Coppola explains. Housing is expensive. So expensive that many people can’t afford to buy homes, and rent
Step one
Joris Tieleman and Sam de Muijnck, relatively veteran Rethinking Economics activists, have just produced a guide to economics curriculum design: Economy Studies: A Guide to Rethinking Economics Education. The Mint
Bad grammar?
British academic, and ecological economist, based in Vienna, Clive Spash, was one of the few expert voices who openly and scathingly criticised the recent Dasgupta Review. The 600-page review by
The land ahead
The only point of agreement on the future of land management and agriculture in the UK is that it is undergoing huge change post-European Union exit and the new imperative
A new class act
Douglas Eger is an environmentalist and a serial entrepreneur. He is looking to bring together these two strands of his career in a new venture to create a new asset
Three steps out of a fix
Rick Rowden offers a trio of measures to overhaul a creaking global financial system Thanks to the historically ambitious scale of their fiscal and monetary policies, most of the rich
Having it all
Could private funding actually benefit nature? Henry Leveson-Gower proposes a cooperative approach. Since the 80s environmental economists have been putting monetary values on nature so they get “counted”. Now they
Politics Is Good For You
Joe Zammit-Lucia warns that good intentions will rarely come to fruition without political understanding. In a seminal article titled Wealth, published in The North American Review in 1889, Andrew Carnegie
Nigeria’s Best Laid Plans For The Environment
West Africa’s oil giant is choking its people with pollution because its rules are worth no more than the paper they are written on. Grimot Nane explains. The 2021 United
The ifs and buts of Hydrogen
Hydrogen may be useful, but how green can it really be? asks Roland Kupers. It has been used for centuries: from lifting the balloon that Jacques Charles floated over Paris
A Name With No Name
Danielle Guizzo looks at how economics made the work of academic giant Barbara Wootton, invisible. Barbara Wootton, was a leading name in the areas of Sociology and Criminology in post-war
A Puerto Rican recipe for food sovereignty
Georges Félix tells why farmers in the Caribbean are turning down dependency and taking up the yoke. The foods we choose to consume and the strategies we use to produce
Is This Financial Capitalism’s Final Assault?
Willy Diddens explains how beauty is in the eye of the investor. On September 14, 2021, the New York Stock Exchange presented a new financial instrument that could lead to
Farmers plough their own furrow to change
A brew of chemical fertilisers, sewage and other pollutants is costing lives and money as it splashes over our environment and our dinner plates. Jyoti Banerjee and Arnav Jain offer
Book Review
Some readers might find these upsetting
Henry Leveson-Gower examines two texts that explain how neoliberal thinking and human frailty brought us to where we are. Richard Seymour, Disaster Nationalism: The Downfall of Liberal Civilization, Verso 2024