Silver linings
Silver linings Nigella Vigoroso-Heck looks forward to perfection “So. Here we are. The end of term. I have been truly humbled by the amount of work that you have put

The class divide
Nigella Vigoroso-Heck asks: if Eton can do it why can’t my local comp? It has been 14 weeks since we closed the school gates. In that time I have: conducted

Spine of the times
Read is not dead. Nigella Vigorosso-Heck sees demand for pages keep on turning. We live in an age where any A Level student can access all the information they could

Proper gander
Girls are low in numbers. Nigella Vigorosso-Heck demands a recount. Last month the Economist magazine published an article entitled Sample Bias. It argued that women – and particularly schoolgirls –

Development Economics: The Loaded Question
Discussing global income inequality in classrooms full of rich kids leads to pencil cases at dawn. Nigella Vigoroso-Heck tells a tale of development economics. In 2018 Oxfam horrified us all

How to stop the brain drain
Nigella Vigoroso-Heck has an idea. It’s really hard to fuck up a lesson on Game Theory. Even the most didactic teacher would find it difficult not to let his students

Thinking less economically
“You can tell she’s really a geography teacher – She’s marked down my graph for looking like the Cotswolds instead of the Dolomites!” With a shortage of economists willing to

Disruptive influences
“We input pluralist economics perspectives and now it is designing a space craft to leave earth.” Teaching isn’t what is used to be. Exams need to be the same. Nigella Vigoroso-Heck

Kids today
As the latest cohort of the Network Generation leave school, shirts daubed with fond farewells, Nigella Vigoroso-Heck ponders their futures. There’s a lot of stress before the start of school

The leaning in learning
Nigella Vigoroso-Heck is inclined to avoid bias. Our students will probably leave school with an economic mindset that reflects the biases of their teachers. I haven’t always worked at the

Educating neater
Nigella Vigoroso-Heck confesses putting failure into teaching market failure and laments the scope available in A level economics courses. Market failure is one of my favourite concepts to teach. Nestled