Ingrid Kvangraven, Farwa Sial and Carolina Alves explore the relevance of dependency theory today.
Why are some countries rich and some poor? Why is it difficult – seemingly impossible – for poor countries to catch-up? What is it that is particular to developing countries and their position in the g...
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Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven
Ingrid is a Lecturer in International Development at the University of York. She holds a PhD in Economics from The New School.
Farwa Sial
Farwa is a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Manchester. She taught economics and international development at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and worked for DFID …
Carolina Alves
Carolina is a Joan Robinson Research Fellow in Heterodox Economics at the University of Cambridge, Girton College. She specialises in macroeconomics, Marxian economics, and international political economy. Carolina is the …