Argentinian musician Frank Tavis had the life he always dreamed of. The 26-year-old was traveling the world and performing on the streets and in bars in more than 20 countries—each coin dropped in his guitar case helping pay his way to the next country for five years. Then the pandemic hit, bars shut down, and Tavis’ income dried up. A friend recommended he join Fiverr, a freelance gig economy website where people are paid for a variety of digital services usually offered by contractors. Tavis began writing songs for small sums of cash in mid-2020.
The earnings helped him live, but he saw a bigger opportunity. “I watch a lot of YouTube, and I started to see a lot of different stuff about NFTs,” he says. Tavis knew artists who he could pay to design artwork that others would use to make NFT collections. So he pivoted his Fiverr business to design the artwork used for NFTs.
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