#NotTheNobel Launch Webinar 2 with Steve Keen and Stephan Griffith-Jones
Listen to discussions with Steve Keen and Stephany Griffiths-Jones on whether there should be a Nobel Prize for Economists. Has it been a force for good or bad for society?

Why Is There a Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics?
The Nobel Memorial Prize defines high achievement in economics, and it validates the discipline’s claim for scientific authority. And yet, historically, it can be understood as a reflection of domestic

Nordhaus’s Nobel Prize is safe but the World isn’t
An economic analysis that won the highest of accolades and spawned influential followers has sharpened the threat from climate change, says Steve Keen. One of the provisions of the Nobel

The Nobel Bailout
Nat Dyer tells the story of how two Nobel Prize winners almost brought down the world’s financial markets by putting their “rocket science” finance theory into practice. Sounds like a

Nobel for Economics 2018 – a question of imbalance
Dimitri Zenghelis explains why Paul Romer’s theory of endogenous growth can be harnessed to direct and design a net-zero-carbon future while using William Nordhaus’s DICE and RICE models may already

A man and his wife
Gunnar Myrdal shared his Nobel Prize with an arch rival. Meanwhile his Nobel Prize-winning wife enjoyed less recognition. André Pedersen Ystehede and Stefan Kesting tell the story of a quest for peace,

Paul Krugman’s incredible invisibility trick
It’s impossible to avoid misjudgements in life or to get all one’s predictions right. But should economists get caught out quite so often. Nicholas Gruen looks at Paul Krugman’s recent

The Nobel Factor: The Prize in Economics 50 Years On
We know that although economic theory may be speculative, its impact is powerful and real. Since the 1970s, it has been closely associated with a sweeping change around the world—the

Book Review: Bending the Rules
Review of Elinor Ostrom’s Rules for Radicals: Cooperative Alternatives Beyond Markets and States. Derek Wall has fashioned a short guide for radicals from the work of a non-radical economics

Is fair enough?
Hart: “I’ve become more open to these behavioural ideas, which I was initially not.” Contracts are a big deal. They have a place in all manner of economics transactions and