Impoverished economics? Unpacking the economics Nobel Prize
When the world is facing large systemic crises, Ingrid Kvangraven asks why is the economics profession celebrating small technical fixes? This week it was announced that Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo
Why positive thinking won’t get you out of poverty
In a recent article in the New York Times, the development economist Seema Jayachandran discusses three studies that used Randomised Controlled Trials (or RCTs) to understand the benefits of enhancing the self-worth of
Naila Kabeer on Why Randomized Controlled Trials need to include Human Agency
There’s a buzz abroad in the development community around a new way to tackle extreme poverty. BRAC’s Targeting the Ultra Poor (TUP) programme combines asset transfers (usually livestock), cash stipends and
The randomistas won the 2019 Nobel Prize for Economics. Will they also win the debate on development economics?
Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer won the 2019 Nobel Prize for Economics. They can be credited for a revolution in development economics driven by the use of experiments to
Economics Nobel – Hail the trio, but the real party can wait!
One hopes that in future, the Nobel committee expands the scope of the prize to scholars and researchers outside the standard choices Amol Agrawal The 2019 Nobel Prize in economics
Old Wounds
When pride takes a fall it’s the same the world over. After Boris’s election, I caught a little bit of his gung-ho optimism. I began to think it could be
The Dawning of the Age of Acquisitiveness
In 1969, I was seven years old and largely oblivious to the historical events happening around the world. Neil Armstrong stepped onto the moon, half a million people came to
The gold medal
Alfred Nobel was once cast as “the merchant of death” for his invention of dynamite. Is the economics establishment’s use of his name to brand its fake Nobel Prize marring
An errant economist
Stefan Kesting and André Pedersen Ystehede recount Thomas Schelling’s journey. He was recognised for his contributions to understanding international cooperation and conflict, game theory, behavioural and complexity economics, agent-based modelling and
A guide through imperfection
Ulrich Volz charts the half-century long path of an economics giant. Joe Stiglitz was awarded the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel in 2001 together
#NotTheNobel – What it is about.
Our economic system is driving us towards a perfect storm. We are facing ecological breakdown. Rising debt is threatening a new financial crash. Inequality is pulling societies apart. For 50
#NotTheNoble Launch Webinar 1 with Christian Felber, Ann Pettifor and Nicholas Gruen
Listen to discussions with Christian Felber, Ann Pettifor, Nicholas Gruen on whether there should be a Nobel Prize for Economists. Has it been a force for good or bad for