Climate activists from across the globe on Tuesday welcomed an ambitious new plan for Milan that will, according to the Guardian, transform 22 miles of street space currently reserved for cars “with a rapid, experimental citywide expansion of cycling and walking space to protect residents as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.”
Greece-based author Julian Hoffman declared, “Turning 35km of Milan’s streets over to cyclists and pedestrians shows how there are openings amidst the crisis to boldly and beneficially reimagine our lives, landscapes, and future on the other side.”
The coronavirus pandemic has sparked calls for a global Green New Deal and just recovery that incorporates climate action—particularly a swift transition to 100% renewable energy and other initiatives to cut planet-heating emissions—into rebuilding the world’s economy. The crisis has also elevated concerns about air quality, as studies have shown that high levels of pollution may be “one of the most important contributors” to deaths from COVID-19.