Mammai Bhoo Laxmi’s husband went to Qatar to work on its FIFA World Cup infrastructure as a construction worker. Within one week of arriving, he was reported dead.

Eight years have passed since Mammai Bhoo Laxmi — a resident of Humnapur village in the south Indian state of Telangana — last heard from her husband Mammai Laxman.

He had called her from the airport right before he boarded his flight to Qatar in 2014, and promised to call her again once he obtained a local number. He was flying to Qatar to work as a mason. But Laxmi never heard from her husband again.

About a month later, Laxmi heard news of his death. Laxman died within his first week in Qatar. He is believed to be one of the 6,500 migrant workers who have died in Qatar since 2010 while working on projects related to the FIFA World Cup 2022.

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