Rabat- Africa faces an uncertain future with the impacts of climate change ahead. While the continent’s citizens are still unsure about the consequences of the climate crisis, the solution to the problem is clear: more funding for climate mitigation and adaptation.
As the continent has not received the promised financial support from more developed countries, it is now seeking private and public partners to help pull back from the crisis. Plans to source financial assistance from banks and international bodies could help the continent be more prepared for the evolving battle against climate change.
“Climate change fuels migration, instability, and conflict in Africa,” Mohamed Atani, head of communications at the United Nations Environment Program, told the Spanish news outlet, El Pais.
The magnitude of the problem calls for significant investment. This is reflected in the theme of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) in Dakar Senegal, “Securing people’s well-being and ensuring environmental sustainability in Africa”.
At AMCEN 2022, Antoni Okon Nyong, of the Global Center for Adaptation, spoke about how the center will use private financing to support its initiatives. His organization has collaborated with the African Development Bank and has promised to provide $12.5 billion dollars to fund their African Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP). The program currently has a total budget of $25 billion dollars to be used over a five-year period.
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