Ian Harwood is a practising macro-economist who has worked in the City for the past forty years including as Chief Economist of major banks and is a Trustee of PEP. He is also one of the volunteers who run the Society of Business Economists, an organisation of professional economists whose membership encompasses both the public and private sectors. In this capacity, Ian has ensured that the employers of Economics graduates represented by the Society of Business Economists have played a leading role in the debate about Economics curriculum reform which has been underway since the financial crisis exposed the inadequacies of the way in which Economics is taught in British universities.
Why Minsky Matters: An Introduction to the Work of a Maverick Economist
by L. Randall Wray (2016) Princeton University Press. Ever since the global financial crisis struck, the concept of “a Minsky moment” – a tipping-point at which a euphoric and highly-leveraged