Filippo’s ambition is to transform Europe, through the power of networks, open-ended innovation and diffused entrepreneurship to fulfil its mission of global peace, prosperity and justice. He’s active in the international policy innovation scene, experimenting with new forms of governance and financing for public goods. He is the CEO and co-founder of PlusValue, the research and consultancy company specialised in impact strategy. He has 15 years’ experience in designing, fundraising for and leading European multi-stakeholder projects for socio-economic development through innovative approaches and stakeholders’ engagement in Europe and internationally. He regularly advises the European Commission on social innovation, impact investing, social entrepreneurship and civil society. Currently, he is an expert in the High-Level Taskforce on Social Infrastructure advising EC and EIB on how to include social impact investment criteria in the Junker Plan. Previously he was Director of International Strategy and Head of EuropeLab at The Young Foundation; founder of and executive director of Euclid Network, the European network of civil society leaders and social entrepreneurs, and GlobaLab.
What’s the impact of impact investing?
The roles of pay-by-result within public policy Source: Addarii et al., Funding Social Innovation (forthcoming) Filippo Addarii, Alexander Shapiro and Marco Sebastianelli offer a short introduction to the ambition,