Our economic system is driving us towards a perfect storm. We are facing ecological breakdown. Rising debt is threatening a new financial crash. Inequality is pulling societies apart.
For 50 years, the scientific prestige of the Nobel Prize has given authority to economic ideas at the heart of this system. We urgently need to reroute society away from this catastrophic path. That starts with fresh economic thinking.
Who are the economic thinkers and doers setting out innovative new directions to meet the challenges of the 21st century? Who, in the original spirit of Alfred Nobel, you think have contributed “the greatest benefit to humankind”.
There are seven finalists for the #NotTheNobel prize 2019: Jessica Gordon-Nembhard, Kate Raworth, Laura Carvalho, Mariana Mazzucato, Randall Wray, Steve Keen and Tom Rippin – you find out more about them, how they were selected and you can vote for them here.
Mark Dolan hosts a panel discussion about the finalists with Sally Uren, a leader in business sustainability; Matt Leach, a community development innovator and Maya Goodfellow, writer and academic. And the winner is announced…