Good counsel
Socially-driven entrepreneurs are partnering with a new breed of corporate lawyer with interests that go beyond bunce for shareholders. Nina Boeger writes. UK company law makes two things clear. First, …
Good counsel Read MorePublished by Promoting Economic Pluralism
Socially-driven entrepreneurs are partnering with a new breed of corporate lawyer with interests that go beyond bunce for shareholders. Nina Boeger writes. UK company law makes two things clear. First, …
Good counsel Read MoreIt is not just 18-20s who are playing under the uncertain contracts of the gig economy. Peter Manley shares the economic realities of gigging into your 50s. The gig economy …
The gig economy: when cool goes cold and hard Read MoreJob’s worth: being cost effective in producing and consuming ever more things. We need a new defining idea for political economy, writes Richard Douglas. During Cheltenham Gold Cup week I …
Work: a situation vacant Read MoreReal estate is a load bearing part of the UK economy. Alexander Tziamalis warns how cracks are appearing. London real estate is in a downward spiral, for the first time …
Don’t bring the house down Read MoreThe cost of the UK’s inadequate income support is huge. Paul Nicolson writes. The UK has never been generous with its benefits system. In 2008, Tim Harford of the Financial …
Enough is enough Read MoreThe number of people in the world is set to grow to more than nine billion by 2050. Joss Tantram asks what kind of world do we want for them. …
Towards nine billion – humanity is a shared endeavour Read MoreHow do you measure it? Can you turn it around? ‘How?’ is becoming as important a question as how much? in investors’ regulators’ and customers’ appraisals of businesses. Deborah Hawkes …
Behaviour is good Read MoreWhatever it looks like on the official reports, try to remember: out there it’s muddy and messy. Policy and business may appear to be moving towards greater sustainability but what …
If the economy is circular, what shape is the consumer? Read MoreRick Rowden lays out how Trump, Wall Street and the Republicans are committed to dismantling financial regulation in the US. Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation passed in the wake of the 2008 global financial …
The attack on Dodd-Frank Read MoreShrouded: Few knew what was brewing inside Northern Rock in 2007. Ten years ago Northern Rock disappeared in a cloud of smoke and mirror practices, opacity and mistrust. Richard Murphy asks, …
Volcanic Rock: are we prepared for the next eruption? Read More