Valeria is Employment Policies and Gender Specialist at the International Labour Office, based in Geneva. She is a feminist economist, having published extensively on labour, macroeconomic and social policies. She has co-edited two Gender & Development issues, the first devoted to the Sustainable Development Goals (Vol. 24, No. 1, 2016) and the second to Beijing +25 (Vol.28, No. 2, 2020). Her publications on care policies and care workers include the co-authored reports Innovations in Care: New Concepts, New Actors, New Policies (Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2017) and Care work and care jobs for the future of decent work (ILO, 2018). Her latest research focuses on the intersections of gender, employment and macroeconomics, studying the gender employment impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the aim at proposing and supporting the implementation of gender-responsive employment policies.
Be careful – running on empty
Investments in care services are core to a human-centred recovery says Valeria Esquivel. The Covid pandemic is a health, social and economic global catastrophe, still unravelling in many parts of