Ingrid is a Director at E3G. She leads E3G’s work on climate finance and investment. Her team focuses on the UK, EU, Latin America and the G20.
Ingrid has previously been an Adviser to the Prime Minister’s Special Representative on Energy Security (2009), Sherpa to the Green Investment Bank Commission (2010/2011) and Member of the UK Green Finance Initiative (ongoing). She has also been appointed to the European Commission’s High Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance and is a Board Member of the EU Alliance to Save Energy.
Ingrid’s professional experience includes working for asset manager Climate Change Capital as well as the UK Parliament; and the UK Department for Environment. Prior to that she spent several years in science publishing and journalism. She has a BSc in Biological Sciences from the University of Edinburgh, an MSc in Environmental Technology from Imperial College London and a CfHE in Macroeconomics from Birkbeck University of London.