Elisa is a Senior Lecturer in Development Economics and Head of the Economics Department (job-share) at SOAS University of London. Her research interests include alternative macroeconomic policies in developing countries, the role of International Financial Institutions across policy and scholarly realms, as well as the financing of infrastructure and public service provision. She has authored several articles on these topics as well as edited books with colleagues, including The Political Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research, together with Kate Bayliss and Ben Fine. Together with Kate Bayliss and Ben Bowles she is currently concluding an interdisciplinary investigation funded by the ESRC/NIESR Rebuilding Macroeconomics Network into the changes in the infrastructure financing landscape in the UK and the implications thereof for the global policy space, see https://www.

Constructive argument
‘Building back better’ is all well and good but, ask Kate Bayliss, Ben Bowles and Elisa Van Waeyenberge, better for whom? Investment in infrastructure is a major part of the